Shinoy and the Chaos Crew: What is Virtual Reality? (L24) NF

Part of the Shinoy and the Chaos Crew non-fiction series, this information book ties into The Day of the Scrambled Signs.

Find out the answers to questions you’ve always wanted to know about virtual reality.

Virtual reality can show you things that you might never see in real life. Find out how VR works, what it’s used for, and how you might be able to try it yourself!


Collins Big Cat – Gold  (Year 2)

Gold band fiction books offer developing readers literary language and stories with distinctive characters. More formal non-fiction is included, with a range of unfamiliar terms used.

Categories: Literacy Resources
Range: Collins Big CatSKU: 845479

Buy Shinoy and the Chaos Crew: What is Virtual Reality? (L24) NF


SKU: 845479

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