Ash’s Garden – Fluency 2

Fluency 2 books have a word count of 3360 words with an expected reading rate of 70 words per minute.

When Ash’s grandpa dies, the garden he loved dies with him. Ash and his grandma decide to bring it back to life. Together they learn about gardening, grafting and pond-building. But with a huge storm and money to raise, it’s a big task!

Categories: Literacy Resources
SKU: 862459

Buy Ash’s Garden – Fluency 2


SKU: 862459

Joseph Coelho, Illustrated by Monique Steele, Prepared for publication by Collins Big Cat

Imprint: Collins

ISBN: 978-0-00-862459-0

Publication Date: 11-09-2023

Format: Paperback

Pages: 80 pages

Dimensions: 129x186mm

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