Back from the Brink (SiC6)

Comparing and contrasting is finding out what is the same and what is different about events, objects, animals, or people. Today many animal species are on the brink of dying out completely. However, with help from people, these species can still be saved. This book contrasts and compares the threats to ten different species , including fast facts and maps of where each creature is from. Reading Age: 11.5; 12.5 years Text Type: Explanation Author: Greg Pyers

On The Brink
Maurutius Kestrel
Romer’s Tree Frog
St Lucia parrot
European Bison
Golden Lion Tamarin
Black-Footed Ferret
Lord Howe Island Stick Insect
Western Swamp Tortoise
Rodrigues Fruit bat
Glossary and Index

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SKU: 513726

“The Springboard into Comprehension series is a bestselling series that allows teachers to develop students’ comprehension skills and strategies.”

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