Big Cat Complete eBook Library (1 Year Subscription – access to over 1300 eBooks)

Access over 1000 eBooks with the Big Cat eBook library!

All of the Big Cat books are now available in an eBook library.

  • Supports front of class teacher modelling and shared reading when used on interactive whiteboards
  • Perfect for home reading so children can practise reading decodable books at the right level without the need to share books amongst students
  • Improves home-school links as parents can use the ‘before you read’ support for phonics and ‘after reading’ activity ideas
  • New books are added throughout the year, as they become available, keeping the reading library engaging and exciting
  • Easy to access, straight forward to set up.

  • What's included?

Buy Big Cat Complete eBook Library (1 Year Subscription – access to over 1300 eBooks)


SKU: 843957

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