Collins Big Cat: Shakespeare Collection (17 titles)

Introducing the Big Cat Shakespeare Collection – a captivating compilation of 17 titles that will transport you into the world of timeless classics. This remarkable collection brings together the genius of William Shakespeare, offering a delightful mix of tragedy, comedy, and romance. Get ready to immerse your students in the enchanting words and captivating stories of one of the greatest playwrights in history.

The Big Cat Shakespeare Collection contains 17 titles on a range of selected Shakespearian tales including The Tempest, Macbeth, Hamlet, The Winter’s Tale, The Fall of Julius Caesar, Much ado about Nothing and Othello plus many more.

Take a peek inside this book sample…

Categories: Literacy Resources

Buy Collins Big Cat: Shakespeare Collection (17 titles)


Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
817945 The Comedy of Errors (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
817946 As You Like It (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
817947 The Merchant of Venice (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
817948 Henry V (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
12791 The Tempest (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
12792 Twelfth Night (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
817949 Much Ado About Nothing (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
817950 The Winter's Tale (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
817951 Antony and Cleopatra (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
817952 The Fall of Julius Caesar (L30+) F $13.50 $0.00
753012 A Midsummer Night's Dream (L30+) F $13.95 $0.00
753013 Macbeth (L30+) F $13.95 $0.00
12796 Romeo and Juliet (L30+) F $13.95 $0.00
817953 Hamlet (L30+) F $13.95 $0.00
817954 King Lear (L30+) F $13.95 $0.00
817955 Othello (L30+) F $13.95 $0.00
817956 Richard III (L30+) F $13.95 $0.00

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