Collins Primary History Student Books (Ages 7-11) Set 6 titles

Collins Primary History Student Ages 7-11 (6 titles)

Collins Primary History provides a rich coverage of the Primary National Curriculum for History.

Packed with information, source materials, questions and activities, the beautifully designed pupil books support children to explore, interpret and develop knowledge of significant historical periods.

Categories: HISTORY
Range: Collins Primary HistorySKU: .CPHSET2

Buy Collins Primary History Student Books (Ages 7-11) Set 6 titles



Collins Primary History Student Ages 7-11 (6 titles)

Collins Primary History provides a rich coverage of the Primary National Curriculum for History.

Packed with information, source materials, questions and activities, the beautifully designed pupil books support children to explore, interpret and develop knowledge of significant historical periods.

Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
831081 Stone Age to Iron Age $16.95 $0.00
831082 Invaders $16.95 $0.00
831086 Victorian Times $16.95 $0.00
831083 Ancient Egypt $16.95 $0.00
831084 Ancient Greece $16.95 $0.00
831085 The Maya $16.95 $0.00

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