Engage Literacy Blue Level 9 Pack (14 titles)

Categories: Literacy Resources
SKU: .EL09Years: Early Years

Buy Engage Literacy Blue Level 9 Pack (14 titles)


SKU: .EL09

Engage Literacy Blue Level 9 Pack (14 titles)

Engage Literacy is an award-winning program perfect for guided, independent and shared reading. The precisely levelled books, comprehensive teacher support and comprehension resources cover a huge variety of topics and provide an exciting fun program to engage even the most reluctant of readers.

Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
81010 Baby Dinosaur is Lost ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
81032 Dinosaurs ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
81011 The Volcano Sand Hill ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
81033 Volcano Bubbles (L9) $9.95 $0.00
81600 Oh, No! Sammy! (L9) $9.95 $0.00
81602 The Best Banana in the Tree ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
476842 Grandpa's Boat ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
476836 Birds in the Yard ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
478370 Swim, Duck, Swim ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
478376 You Can Do It ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
478368 Lea Bakes an Apple Pie Surprise (L9) $9.95 $0.00
478372 We Can Measure ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
825463 Shadows $9.95 $0.00
825464 Min Monkey and the Shadows $9.95 $0.00

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