Engage Literacy Complete Multi Pack (426 titles x6 + PDF Teacher Guides)

ENGAGE LITERACY SPECIAL PACK: 426 Titles x6 (2,556 books) (Magenta-Amethyst, Levels 1-30+) plus .pdf Teachers Guides

• 426 Precisely levelled books
• Thematically linked fiction and non-fiction pairs
• Systematic development of phonemic awareness
• Guided Reading Levels A-V, Early Intervention Levels 1-30, Reading Recovery Levels 1-20+

Range: Engage LiteracySKU: ELCOMP6

Buy Engage Literacy Complete Multi Pack (426 titles x6 + PDF Teacher Guides)

Original price was: $26,661.60.Current price is: $22,662.36.


Engage Literacy Complete Multi Pack (426 titles x6 plus .pdf Teacher Resources)

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Engage Literacy is an award-winning program perfect for guided, independent and shared reading. The precisely levelled books, comprehensive teacher support and comprehension resources cover a huge variety of topics and provide an exciting fun program to engage even the more reluctant of readers.

What makes Engage Literacy Special?
All 426 texts, both fiction and non-fiction, have been developed using carefully graded vocabulary lists, e.g. the word ‘go’ is introduced at Level 1 and ‘going’ is introduced at Level 4.
Therefore, children build up a bank of high-frequency words, providing them with a smoother transition as they are introduced to higher-level texts. The texts enable children to build on their prior knowledge and make new connections based on these previous understandings.
Engage Literacy also includes a progressive academic vocabulary list of words, such as ‘draw’, ‘make’, & ‘write’, which are essential for early readers to successfully understand and complete academic tasks independently. Engage Literacy ensures that children are exposed to texts that match their developmental reading level, enabling greater potential for reading success & enhancing fluency.
The earlier levelled texts have a ratio of introduced words to known words of 1:20.

Take a look inside

Program components:
• 426 Precisely levelled books
• Thematically linked fiction and non-fiction pairs
• Systematic development of phonemic awareness
• Guided Reading Levels A-V, Early Intervention Levels 1-30, Reading Recovery Levels 1-20+
• Comprehensive teacher support
• Text-dependent and inferential questions for every page in every book
• Recurring characters include Lea, Min the Monkey, Baby Dinosaur, Little Sea Horse, Mr. Lee, and Kate and her dog Max.

Teacher’s Resources.
• Teaching notes for each title provide whole and small group instruction, ELL engagement, and assessment tools
• Blackline Masters and running records for each title
• Photocopiable activity worksheets are also included
• Phonological Awareness (Inside front cover of every title)

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