Engage Literacy Ruby Level 28 Pack (8 titles)

Categories: Literacy Resources
SKU: .EL028Years: Middle Years, Upper Years

Buy Engage Literacy Ruby Level 28 Pack (8 titles)


SKU: .EL028

Engage Literacy Ruby Level 28 Pack (8 titles)

Engage Literacy is an award-winning program perfect for guided, independent and shared reading. The precisely levelled books, comprehensive teacher support and comprehension resources cover a huge variety of topics and provide an exciting fun program to engage even the most reluctant of readers.
Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
471880 A Deep Sea Diving Adventure (L28) $12.50 $0.00
471888 Unusual Deep Sea Creatures (L28) $12.50 $0.00
471884 Peppers Travels with Marco Polo (L28) $12.50 $0.00
471878 Along the Silk Road (L28) $12.50 $0.00
474531 Mais Lesson (L28) F $12.50 $0.00
474529 Islands of the World (L28) $12.50 $0.00
820206 The Perfect Fundraiser (L28) $12.50 $0.00
820202 How Did This Pizza get On My Plate (L28) $12.50 $0.00

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