Hookwell’s School for Proper Pirates 4 is part of the Astro range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Astro books are ideal for struggling and reluctant readers aged 7-11. Each book is dual-banded so that children can improve their fluency whilst enjoying exciting fiction and non-fiction relevant to their age. Astro books for Earth/White band are also highly-decodable so ideal for extra phonics practice. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills.
Interest age: 8-9 Reading age: 6-7 years
Hookwells School for Proper Pirates 4
Josh Cutler loves being at Hookwell’s School. But there’s one BIG problem. If the head teacher finds out Josh isn’t really a pirate, he will be expelled! The school is having a pirate gymnastics competition! What could go wrong?! But when Captain Squint throws down a challenge, things do go very wrong… and fast! Can Josh and his friends come up with a cunning plan to stop Hookwell’s School from being taken over? Shiver me shipwrecks, let’s hope so!

Categories: Literacy Resources
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