Collins Music: Listening to Music History 10+
Primary music teaching resources for subject leaders and class teachers – engaging lessons, activities and games for kids.
The Listening to Music series fully engages children in listening to music. Stimulating recordings of world and historical music provide the exciting basis for a range of listening, composing and performing opportunities – enhanced by interactive whiteboard activities and displays with embedded audio.
The third title in the Listening to Music series is an historical overview of Western classical music from medieval times to the present day.
Through the activities, children recognise and use the characteristic features of music from different ages. They perform their own versions of some of the recordings and they compose others – always listening perceptively to their own and others music.
Teachers will find this title an enjoyable source of alternative activities for their music scheme of work.
The ‘Listening to Music’ series won the Primary Music Magazine ‘Best Listening Resource’ award in 2019.

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