Maths Box Lime

Maths Box Lime has been written by experienced Australian teachers to assist other teachers address the rigours of the Australian Curriculum. It is a unique, multi-levelled resource that provides activities designed to improve the mathematical skills, strategies, knowledge, reasoning and problem-solving ability of students in Years 1 to 2/3. Maths Box Lime is a large, comprehensive resource that specifically targets problem-solving in the early schooling years. Harry O’Brien is the major author of Maths Box Lime . Harry is a very experienced primary school teacher and best-selling co-author of the extremely successful Maths Plus series.


Categories: STEM • MATHS
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Buy Maths Box Lime


SKU: 229968

Available on back-order

Maths Box Lime, Orange and Aqua have been written to specifically address the rigours of the Australian Curriculum. They are unique, multi-levelled resources that provide activities designed to improve mathematical skills, strategies, knowledge, and reasoning and problem-solving abilities of students. The Maths Boxes are large, comprehensive resources that provide meaningful and coherent mathematics practice. They purposely mix literacy, visual text and mathematics together so children are better prepared for national testing situations.

Key Features:

  • Suitable for Years 1 to 2/3
  • Allows for in-depth study of a topic by providing sets of graded cards developing the topic being taught
  • 30 Australian Curriculum topic card sets addressing all strands of:
    • Number and Algebra
    • Measurement and Geometry
    • Statistics and Probability
  • Great for individualised learning, group or whole class instruction
  • Enormously varied and engaging content
  • Content grouped in sets for in-depth learning
  • Laminated cards that are larger than A4
  • Strategy and concept cards graded from 1 to 10
  • Diagnostic quizzes to assist teachers with assessments or pinpoint weaknesses
  • Provides easily found quality continuum or curriculum content
  • Useful for gifted and talented students

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