Mega Foundation Kindy Pack

150 titles, levels 1-3.

Categories: Take Home Packs
SKU: .MEGA PACK L1-3Years: Early Years

Buy Mega Foundation Kindy Pack

Original price was: $1,264.54.Current price is: $999.00.

  • 150 Books
  • Levelled 1-3
  • Great value


Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
718536 My Skateboard (L1) NF $8.50 $0.00
718541 Pushing and Pulling (L1) NF $8.50 $0.00
718649 Shapes (L1) NF $8.50 $0.00
718558 Cars (L1) NF $8.50 $0.00
718537 Minibeasts (L1) NF $8.50 $0.00
718539 The Picnic (L1) F $8.50 $0.00
718543 The Very Wet Dog (L1) F $8.50 $0.00
718538 In the Garden (L1) F $8.50 $0.00
718648 The Guinea Pigs (L1) F $8.50 $0.00
732914 The Farmer's Lunch (L1) F $8.50 $0.00
741278 Getting Dressed (L1) NF $8.50 $0.00
51262 Jump and Fly (L1) F $8.50 $0.00
51263 Oops Owl! (L1) F $8.50 $0.00
732916 Playing (L1) F $8.50 $0.00
718646 In the Boat (L1-2) F $8.50 $0.00
718647 How Many Animals? (L1-2) NF $8.50 $0.00
732915 My Family Tree (L1-2) NF $8.50 $0.00
718650 Monster Mess (L1-2) F $8.50 $0.00
718651 I Can Do It! (L1-2) NF $8.50 $0.00
732917 In the Desert (L1-2) NF $8.50 $0.00
741282 In the Forest (L1-2) NF $8.50 $0.00
828583 Paddington: A Day Out (L2) F $8.50 $0.00
51264 Wash, Wash, Wash (L2) NF $8.50 $0.00
51265 How to Make a Hat (L2) NF $8.50 $0.00
718551 Come to the Circus (L2) NF $8.50 $0.00
718550 Wheels (L2) NF $8.50 $0.00
718549 The Pond (L2) NF $8.50 $0.00
718544 Fly Away Home (L2) F $8.50 $0.00
718546 The Robot (L2) F $8.50 $0.00
718557 The Big Splash (L2) F $8.50 $0.00
718652 Colour Bears (L2) F $8.50 $0.00
718553 The See Saw (L2) F $8.50 $0.00
51268 In the Jungle (L2) NF $8.50 $0.00
51269 In the Sea (L2) NF $8.50 $0.00
718552 In the Dark (L2) NF $8.95 $0.00
718661 My Bike Ride (L2) NF $8.95 $0.00
718559 Up, Up and Away (L2) NF $8.95 $0.00
718556 Shapes on the Seashore (L2) NF $8.95 $0.00
718547 The Beach (L2) F $8.95 $0.00
718554 Tec and the Hole (L2) F $8.95 $0.00
718660 Cat & Dog Play Hide & Seek (L2) F $8.95 $0.00
718555 A Day Out (L2) F $8.95 $0.00
732919 How to Make a Sock Puppet (L2) NF $8.95 $0.00
741286 Animal Coats (L2) NF $8.95 $0.00
51266 The Three Little Rabbits (L2-3) F $8.50 $0.00
51267 The Boy Who Cried Wolf (L2-3) F $8.50 $0.00
718657 What Are You Making (L2-3) NF $8.95 $0.00
741285 Best Bird (L2-3) F $8.95 $0.00
828584 Paddington My Family and Friends (L3) F $8.50 $0.00
718545 Tec and the Cake (L3) F $8.95 $0.00
741284 A Night at the Gallery (L3) F $8.95 $0.00
741287 World of Football (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
51271 The Fox and the Stork (L3) F $8.95 $0.00
51273 Homes (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
51274 How to Make a Camp (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
828590 Paddington Wants a Job (L3) F $8.95 $0.00
828585 Paddington Lets Go Shopping (L3) F $8.95 $0.00
718562 The Oak Tree (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
718567 Let's Go Shopping (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
718669 My Exercise Diary (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
718564 What Do You Like? (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
718563 At the Dump (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
718566 Where is the Wind? (L3) F $8.95 $0.00
718668 What's for Breakfast? (L3) F $8.95 $0.00
718560 Woody's Week (L3) F $8.95 $0.00
732921 Bones (L3) NF $8.95 $0.00
81000 Up Here! (L1) F $8.95 $0.00
81002 Look at Me! (L1) F $8.95 $0.00
81003 In the Water (L1) F $8.95 $0.00
81004 In the Play House (L1) F $8.95 $0.00
81016 The Zookeeper (L1) $8.95 $0.00
81017 Here is a Robot (L1) $8.95 $0.00
471870 In the Sea ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
471877 Toys that Float ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
471876 The Monkey and the Bug ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
471873 Look at the Bee ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
475579 I Am Helping ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
475585 Clouds ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
476823 At My House ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
476824 My Teddy ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
824313 Lea is Sick $8.95 $0.00
824308 I Am Better Now $8.95 $0.00
824311 In the Sun $8.95 $0.00
824312 I See the Sun $8.95 $0.00
81021 My Little Toys ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
81006 My Big Sandcastle L2) $8.95 $0.00
81022 The Castle ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
81007 The Birthday Party( L2) $8.95 $0.00
81023 My Birthday ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
81025 My Shopping ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
471871 Lea Can Help ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
471872 Little Caterpillar is Cold ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
471874 My House ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
471875 My Street ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
475586 We Can Play ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
476825 This Little Bird ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
824307 Baby Dinosaur Can Wait $8.95 $0.00
824309 I Can Wait $8.95 $0.00
824310 I Like My School $8.95 $0.00
824306 People at School $8.95 $0.00
81273 Bubbles in the Bath (L2-3) $8.95 $0.00
81275 Gus is in the Garden (L2-3) $8.95 $0.00
81277 On the Log (L2-3) $8.95 $0.00
81278 Here is a Block (L2-3) $8.95 $0.00
81026 Sleepy Little Caterpillar (L3) $8.95 $0.00
81062 Minibeasts (L3) $8.95 $0.00
81027 Lea is Hungry (L3) $8.95 $0.00
25734 My Big Sandwich (L3) $8.95 $0.00
81280 Ben and the Baby (L3) $8.95 $0.00
81281 Baby Comes Home (L3) $8.95 $0.00
81282 Baby Dinosaur can Sleep (L3) $8.95 $0.00
476828 I am Little (L3) $8.95 $0.00
824731 We Can Pick Apples $8.95 $0.00
824728 Look at Us Grow $8.95 $0.00
81038 WW My Pets (L1) $7.75 $0.00
81039 WW Bob is in the Garden (L1) $7.75 $0.00
81040 WW I am in the Park (L2) $7.75 $0.00
81041 WW Here I Go! (L2) $7.75 $0.00
10101 I Have Toys (L1) $7.95 $0.00
10105 We Are Friends (L1) $7.95 $0.00
10109 Weather (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
13166 The Dog (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
13508 Buttons, Buttons (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
13501 Is it Alive (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
13502 We Can Eat the Plants (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
10104 My Face (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
10106 My Body (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
10107 Where are You (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
10108 In the Sky (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
10110 When I Grow Up (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
13164 Come See My Bugs (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
10100 Shapes (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
13629 Pigs (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
13510 Its Melting (L2-3) $7.95 $0.00
023995 Pet Needs (L1) $8.50 $0.00
023994 Where Do You Work? (L1) $8.50 $0.00
023992 Pip is in the Bath (L1) $8.50 $0.00
023996 Into Space (L2) $8.50 $0.00
024004 Changing Weather (L3) $8.50 $0.00
024005 Music Makers (L3) $8.50 $0.00
024001 Story Time (L3) $8.50 $0.00
863959 I Hop (L1) $8.50 $0.00
863961 The Tin (L1) $8.50 $0.00
863962L Where Is Ted? (L1) $8.49 $0.00
470933 Toy Dinosaurs (L3/4) $2.95 $0.00
470937 How to Dress up as a Clown (L3/4) $2.95 $0.00
470938 How to Dress up as a Pirate (L3/4) $2.95 $0.00
470941 The Water Park (L3/4) $2.95 $0.00
470943 Flower Zoo (L3/4) $2.95 $0.00
470944 Giant Plants (L3/4) $2.95 $0.00

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