Springboard into Comprehension Set 2 (42 titles)

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Buy Springboard into Comprehension Set 2 (42 titles)



Springboard into Comprehension Set 2 (42 titles)

This best selling series allows teachers to systematically develop students’ comprehension skills and strategies.

Meeting the demands of the Australian Curriculum: English, the NSW Syllabus and the Victorian Curriculum, the print resources assist in the acquisition of skills in interpreting, evaluating and critiquing ideas, information and issues. The carefully structured student books create an engaging learning framework that supports and challenges students.

Take a look inside

Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
513594 Camels (L17) $10.95 $0.00
513597 The Perfect Pie (L17) $10.95 $0.00
513596 The Mystery of the Green Budgie (L17) $10.95 $0.00
513598 Toads and Frogs (L17) $10.95 $0.00
513593 Butterflies (L17) $10.95 $0.00
513595 Fire at the House (L17) $10.95 $0.00
513601 Giant Squid (L18) $10.95 $0.00
513602 The Honey Bird and the Badger (L18) $10.95 $0.00
513604 Sushi (L18) $10.95 $0.00
513599 Crocodiles & Alligators (L18) $10.95 $0.00
513603 My Mum's Passport (L18) $10.95 $0.00
513600 Elephants Walk for Water (L18) $10.95 $0.00
513605 17 Years Underground (L19) $10.95 $0.00
513608 Rhino's Bad Manners (L19) $10.95 $0.00
513606 Making a Bird Friendly Garden (L19) $10.95 $0.00
513610 What Lives in a Burrow (L19) $10.95 $0.00
513609 Through the Storm (L19) $10.95 $0.00
513607 Plants That Eat Meat (L19) $10.95 $0.00
513616 Sunflowers (L20) $10.95 $0.00
513613 The Jungle Monster (L20) $10.95 $0.00
513612 Dragon's Best Crown (L20) $10.95 $0.00
513615 Parrots of the Pacific (L20) $10.95 $0.00
513614 No Eggs Today (L20) $10.95 $0.00
513611 Disguises (L20) $10.95 $0.00
513621 Slam Dunk! (L21) $10.95 $0.00
513619 Inside Your Mouth (L21) $10.95 $0.00
513622 Sunken Treasure (L21) $10.95 $0.00
513617 Carla Crocodile Tries Something New (L21) $10.95 $0.00
513620 Saving The Little Penguins (L21) $10.95 $0.00
513618 Dear Rosie (L21) $10.95 $0.00
513623 Chameleons (L22) $10.95 $0.00
513628 The Old Scrapbook (L22) $10.95 $0.00
513625 In the Deep, Dark Ocean (L22) $10.95 $0.00
513627 Lola's New Life (L22) $10.95 $0.00
513626 Flash and Rumble! (L22) $10.95 $0.00
513624 Cities of the Desert (L22) $10.95 $0.00
513632 Cockroaches (L23) $10.95 $0.00
513634 Trading In (L23) $10.95 $0.00
513633 Kangaroo Gets a Pouch (L23) $10.95 $0.00
513631 Big-Nosed Monkeys (L23) $10.95 $0.00
513630 The Best Soup in Town (L23) $10.95 $0.00
513629 Bending Metal (L23) $10.95 $0.00

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