Springboard into Comprehension Set 4 (24 titles)

Categories: Comprehension
Range: Springboard into ComprehensionSKU: .SIC4SET

Buy Springboard into Comprehension Set 4 (24 titles)



Springboard into Comprehension Set 4 (24 titles)

This best selling series allows teachers to systematically develop students’ comprehension skills and strategies.

Meeting the demands of the Australian Curriculum: English, the NSW Syllabus and the Victorian Curriculum, the print resources assist in the acquisition of skills in interpreting, evaluating and critiquing ideas, information and issues. The carefully structured student books create an engaging learning framework that supports and challenges students.

Take a look inside

Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
513677 A Place in Space (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513678 The Best Holiday Ever (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513686 From Me to You (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513681 Community Views (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513690 The Invaders (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513689 Have Your Say! (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513685 Fossil Fuels (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513679 Black Rock (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513700 Your Choice (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513683 The Daily News (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513693 Natural Disasters (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513695 Save Our Skate Park (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513688 Green All Around (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513680 Camp Cavendish (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513682 The Crying Wolf (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513697 This Ad's for You (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513691 Inventions that Changed (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513684 Diamonds Forever (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513694 Religions (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513692 Leading the Field in Green (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513696 Sun Tales (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513699 What Really Happened? (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513698 Water and Food Programs (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00
513687 Graffiti (SiC4) $11.50 $0.00

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