Tara Binns: Futuristic Physicist (L30+) F

When Tara Binns opens her dressing up box something exciting happens …

Tara Binns is a physicist! A group of scientists are trying to find new uses for maglev technology, from designing flying trains … to flying cars … and even flying people! It takes a few tumbles for Tara to bring the team together to turn mighty magnetic forces into futuristic fun.

This exciting title in the Tara Binns mini-series is written by Lisa Rajan.


Click here to find the downloadable resources for this title (listed under the “Tara Binns Lesson Plans, Case Studies and Resources Sheets” heading)

Collins Big Cat Chapters –Sapphire (Year 5)

Sapphire books offer longer reads to develop children’s sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically.

Categories: Literacy Resources
SKU: 848725
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Buy Tara Binns: Futuristic Physicist (L30+) F


SKU: 848725

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