The Human Body: Let’s Investigate

This title supports the following learning objectives for Key Stage 2 science: Identify that humans get nutrition from what they eat and recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function; Identify that humans have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement; Describe the functions of the digestive system, teeth and circulatory system (heart, blood vessels and blood); Recognise that living things produce offspring that are not identical to their parents; Describe the changes as humans develop to old age.

Categories: Literacy Resources
SKU: 856034
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SKU: 856034
Key Selling Features

• Brings STEM to life • High interest narrative text with numerous fact boxes • Colourful, sophisticated designs and imagery • On-the-page activities and experiments • On-the-page download buttons highlight the availability of online FREE resources • Introduces key science vocabulary • Non-fiction features including: table of contents, labels and captions, glossary and index

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