“The Springboard into Comprehension series is a bestselling series that allows teachers to develop students’ comprehension skills and strategies.”
Whaling (SiC6)
Bias is a judgement for or against something, and prejudice is an unreasonable viewpoint. This useful text examines how to look for examples of bias and prejudice. The issue of whaling is debated using news reports, blogs, online speeches, press releases, interview, opinion pieces, online articles and letters. Reading Age: 11.5; 12.5 years Text Type: Argument Contents:
Whaling, Then and Now
Ships Clash in Southern Ocean
Stop the Slaughter!
Why Is Everyone Wailing About Whaling?
Treachery in the Southern Ocean
MP: “We Support the Moratorium”
Don’t Be Persuaded by the Anti-Whaling Propaganda!
The Hard Facts about Whaling
The War Over Whaling Continues
Glossary and Index

Categories: Literacy Resources
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