“The Springboard into Comprehension series is a bestselling series that allows teachers to develop students’ comprehension skills and strategies.”
Women’s Rights (SiC6)
Bias is a judgement for or against something, and prejudice is an unreasonable viewpoint.
Over 1 years ago, the rights to go to school, to be employed, own land, vote, or even speak freely were long denied to half of the human race – women. However, the two World Wars gave women an opportunity to stand up against bias and prejudice. This text recounts the rise of women’s rights since the 1800s and the problems that they faced. Reading Age: 12.5+ years Text Type: Recount Contents:
Women – The inferior class
Changing Ideas
The Right to Vote
Women, Work, and War
A Woman’s place
Liberating Women
Are Women Equal or Not?
Glosary and Index

Categories: Literacy Resources
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