Macmillan – Talk About Texts
Early – Middle Years • Levelled • Years F/K-3 [Y1-4]
Talk About Texts – a talk and vocabulary-focused approach for rich guided reading.
With its unique talk approach, Talk About Texts integrates the teaching of reading, vocabulary and oral language skills into one rich and effective program which will help you to save time & achieve more.
The Talk About Texts resources seamlessly integrate a number of oral language instructional strategies to teach the four elements of talk through your guided reading sessions: listening and responding, building vocabulary, having fluent conversations and questioning.
Both Vocabulary for Reading and Vocabulary for Talking are robustly taught and practiced throughout the guided reading sessions using a variety of strategies, focused questions, answer frameworks & flashcards.
Student Books
Each Student Book is finely levelled to systematically build students’ reading skills and confidence.
Student Books include:
- Full coverage of text types, enabling students to build robust comprehension skills across a broad range of texts
- Links to other learning areas of the Curriculum, including Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, and The Arts, allowing you to match texts to your teaching topics and students’ interests
- Post-reading activities at the end of every book, providing opportunities for students to develop personal responses to the text by thinking, talking and writing.
Teacher’s Editions
Teacher’s Editions accompany each of the 160 Student Books. From the outside, the Teacher’s Edition looks just like the Student Book, allowing you to discreetly access your teaching notes whilst leading the guided reading group. The notes embed the oral language approach and vocabulary instruction throughout, providing everything you need for an effective guided reading session in one place.
Check out these great offers
Talk About Texts Complete Multi Pack (160 titles(x6) + 160 Teacher Editions + 4 TGs)
Original price was: $11,488.80.$9,765.50Current price is: $9,765.50.15 %Save $1,723.30