The International Baccalaureate and Cambridge

Early – Secondary • Years F/K-12 [Y1-13]

Cambridge Assessment

The Cambridge Programme is an internationally recognized curriculum developed and produced by the University of Cambridge, in Cambridge, England. Cambridge International Examination (CIE) is recognized around the world for its rigor and critical thinking. 

International Baccalaureate

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an internationally recognized educational program that offers a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum for students aged 3 to 19. It was founded in 1968 and is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who are motivated to succeed and contribute to a better world.

Busy Ant Maths supports best practice in primary maths teaching and teacher assessment, whilst encouraging teacher professionalism and autonomy. 


Hachette Education resources for the IB PYP

Implement the PYP with flexible inquiry-based resources developed to support a collaborative learning environment, giving students ownership of their learning. Encourage curiosity, creativity and critical

Collins international Promary English

Collins International Primary English

A six-level, multi-component course for the international market which has been carefully developed to meet the needs of teachers and students. These titles are endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education.

Encourage learners to develop vital reading strategies and enrich your teaching across the IB PYP curriculum with 6 curated reading collections from Collins Big Cat, a best-selling reading scheme that provides complete support for primary reading.

The 6 reading collections* listed in the below chart are categorized by reading level and PYP transdisciplinary theme to allow for maximum flexibility in the classroom. The collections also available on the Big Cat ebook Library.

There are 3 recommended reader levels per collection: Early, Intermediate and Advanced Readers. Early Readers are for learners up to age 6, Intermediate Readers for ages 7–9 and Advanced Readers for ages 10+.

Big Cat for the IB PYP

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