Library sets

Discover New Library Sets to Enrich Your Collection!

Lioncrest Education offers a wide array of library sets that cater to diverse interests and educational needs. Whether you’re looking to delve into Australian History, explore Nature and Environment, promote Wellbeing & Happiness, or celebrate Indigenous and Cultural themes, we have you covered. Plus, with the upcoming Olympic Games, there’s something for everyone!

Our library sets include:

  • Australian History: Engage with the rich tapestry of Australia’s past.
  • Nature and Environment: Discover the wonders of the natural world.
  • Wellbeing & Happiness: Promote mental health and emotional well-being.
  • Australian Titles: Explore stories from our own backyard.
  • Indigenous Titles: Celebrate the rich heritage of Indigenous cultures. Covers curriculum topic and  NAIDOC
  • Cultural Themes: Dive into the diverse cultures that make up our world.
  • Olympic Games: Get ready for the excitement of the global sporting event.

Ask your local Lioncrest Educational Consultant to help you choose the perfect sets for your library. You can also click on the sets below or download the price list for more details. Enhance your library and inspire your students with these incredible resources!

Happy Reading!


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