How and Why Pack (5 titles)

How and Why; These nonfiction science readers feature captivating photography and easy-to-read text to provide a first-hand look into some of nature’s most fascinating phenomena. How do birds build nests? Why do spiders spin silk? How do some plants eat insects? Inquiring minds want to know! And now, students can discover answers to their probing questions with these amazing photos combined with text they can read successfully.

16 pages. Great for Reading First, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Text Comprehension.

Buy How and Why Pack (5 titles)



How and Why pack of 5 titles

Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
2969L How & Why: Animals Hide (L22-24) $5.95 $0.00
2970L How & Why: Animals Grow New Parts (L22-24) $5.95 $0.00
2971L How & Why: Animals Prepare For Winter (L22-24) $5.95 $0.00
2966L How & Why: Birds Use Their Bills (L21-22) $5.95 $0.00
2967 How & Why: Animals Hatch From Eggs (L21-22) $5.95 $0.00

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