Lioncrest Take Home Reader Pack 3 (Level 17-23)



Buy Lioncrest Take Home Reader Pack 3 (Level 17-23)



35 individual titles. Lioncrest Education selected fiction & non-fiction from levels 17-23


Take a look inside some of these example level 17-23 titles (These titles may not be in this pack at this time – check current titles on the ‘Shop Individual Products’ tab)

Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
718692 Chewy Hughie (L17) F $10.50 $0.00
733612 Going for a Drive (L17) F $10.50 $0.00
718602 Bounce, Catch, Kick, Throw (L17) NF $10.50 $0.00
718671 Going Fast (L17-19) NF $10.50 $0.00
81118 All About Teeth (L17) $10.50 $0.00
746183 The Lost Village of Skara Brae L18) NF $10.50 $0.00
718607 Harry the Clever Spider (L18) F $10.50 $0.00
72944L Welcome to the Farm (L18) F $10.50 $0.00
81126 My Real Name is Princess ( L18) $10.50 $0.00
81120 Happy to Be Me ( L18) $10.50 $0.00
718605 Good Fun Farm (L19) F $10.50 $0.00
759111 From Tree to Book (L19) NF $10.50 $0.00
718600 Castles (L19) NF $10.50 $0.00
81128 Holly's Three White Mice ( L19) $10.50 $0.00
72996 How to Write a Great Story ( L19) $10.50 $0.00
746180 Harry, the Clever Spider on Holiday (L20) F $11.50 $0.00
718673 Living Dinosaurs (L20-22) NF $11.50 $0.00
718675 How to be a Knight (L20-21) NF $11.50 $0.00
718700 Mountain Mona (L20-21) F $11.50 $0.00
864056L Great Landmarks (L20) $10.51 $0.00
718625 Ice Cream (L21-22) NF $11.50 $0.00
718624 Buzz and Bingo in Fairytale Forest (L21-22) F $11.50 $0.00
718629 Class Six and the Very Big Rabbit (L21-22) F $12.50 $0.00
473894 Buddy and the Lobster Boat ( L21) $10.95 $0.00
2967 How & Why: Animals Hatch From Eggs (L21-22) $5.95 $0.00
759121 The Great Chapatti Chase (L22) F $12.50 $0.00
718635 Is There Anyone Out There? (L22-23) NF $12.50 $0.00
81139 Making Music Festival ( L22) $10.95 $0.00
81144 Whirly Bird (L22) $10.95 $0.00
3062 Life Cycles: Wood Frog (L22) $5.95 $0.00
746202 Brilliant Bridges (L23) NF $11.50 $0.00
718631 Tiger's Tale (L23-24) F $12.50 $0.00
839925 Shinoy and the Chaos Crew: The Day that Repeated Itself (L23-24) F $12.50 $0.00
81147 Ocean Craft / Boats (L23) $10.95 $0.00
479990 Games Night (EL L23) $10.95 $0.00
**LCTHP3 Take Home Pack 3 ( Lvls 17-23) $0.00 $0.00

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