Look Once, Look Again Set (6 titles)

Reading Levels Years 3-4 – Interest Levels Years K-4

This 6 book series of science readers, written by award-winning children’s author David M. Schwartz and photographed y renowned naturalist Dwight Kuhn, provides a chance for students to see plant parts and animal features “up close” and then see how they fit into the “bigger picture”.

16 pages each include building critical non-fiction comprehension skills, provide practice reading information text, expanding vocabulary.

Categories: STEM • SCIENCE
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Buy Look Once, Look Again Set (6 titles)

Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
Look Once, Look Again Set (6 titles)
.LOOK ONCE SET Look Once, Look Again Set (6 titles) $35.70 $0.00
3011L Look Once Look Again: In A Tree (L24) $5.95 $0.00
3033L Look Once Look Again: Animal Mouths (L26) $5.95 $0.00
3037L Look Once Look Again: Plant Leaves (L24) $5.95 $0.00
3030L Look Once Look Again: Animal Noses (L26) $5.95 $0.00
3039L Look Once Look Again: Plant Fruits & Seeds (L26) $5.95 $0.00
3036L Look Once Look Again: Plant Stems & Roots (L26) $5.95 $0.00

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