The Olympic book pack (21 titles)

Explore the Olympic Games Through Informative Reading Materials

Lioncrest Education offers a variety of 21 excellent books tailored to enrich students understanding of the Olympic Games. There titles will be beneficial for your students learning about the Olympics. Engaging and informative reading materials can enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of this global sporting event.




Buy The Olympic book pack (21 titles)



Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
825163 Athletics $9.50 $0.00
718651 I Can Do It! (L1-2) NF $8.50 $0.00
24477 Animal Olympics (L3) $11.95 $0.00
742874 Olympic BMX (L6-8) NF $9.50 $0.00
749425 Baby Dragon and the Animal Olympics (L8) F $9.50 $0.00
742884 The Modern Pentathlon (L9-11) NF $9.50 $0.00
746190 Olympic Heroes (L14) NF $10.50 $0.00
718689 Marathon (L17) NF $10.50 $0.00
044179 Gal-Who Wants to be an Olympic Champ(L24 $12.50 $0.00
51924 The Winter Olympics (L24-26) NF $12.50 $0.00
723120 Olympic Games (L27-28) NF $12.50 $0.00
733636 My Olympic Story (L29-30) NF $12.95 $0.00
864880 Blind Triathletes (L30) $11.50 $0.00
513716 Olympic Game Technology (SiC5) $11.50 $0.00
045229 Game-Changers: Sporting Heroes $14.95 $0.00
746548 Ade Adepitan: A Paralympian's Story (L30+) NF $13.50 $0.00
742837 Becoming an Olympic Gymnast (L30+) NF $13.95 $0.00
742838 Swimming the Dream (L30+) NF $13.95 $0.00
753015 Against the Odds (L30+) NF $13.95 $0.00
49859 Blade Running (L23) NF $11.50 $0.00
856040 Life in Ancient Greece $16.95 $0.00

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