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The Wonder of the World Leaf (L25) F
“I’m Wygenia. On my island, we speak a language that’s all our own, so you might not be familiar with it. I’m going to tell you about the time my grannie got sick and how my mooma and I helped her get better. I’ll tell you exactly how it happened, using the exact words Mooma and Grannie used.”
When her beloved Grannie falls ill, ten-year-old Wygenia feels lonely and helpless. Then she learns about a healing plant so powerful it’s called ‘Wonder of the World.’ But will it really work?
Set in the Caribbean island of Trinidad, this realistic fiction tale tells the story of Wygenia’s quest to restore her Grannie to the high-spirited companion she used to know.
Teachers, parents and caregivers looking for familial, multicultural stories for children ages 7 and up will appreciate this story that evokes Caribbean traditions and customs in a non-stereotypical way.
Collins Big Cat – White (Year 2-3)
White band books have more complex sentences and figurative language, ideal for Students who are becoming fluent readers.

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