Value Pack 1 (50 titles, levels 1-9)

Engage Literacy is an award-winning program with 420 titles (50 titles in this pack for your beginner readers) that enhances reading skills through systematic phonemic awareness, diverse themes, fluency practice, and more. For a limited time, Lioncrest Education offers this incredible value pack, with quality, leveled titles starting at just $3.98 per book—perfect for Take Homes or topping up your leveled titles!

Lioncrest Education has this amazing VALUE PACK – for a LIMITED TIME.
Quality, levelled titles from as little a $3.98 per book!
Perfect for Take Homes or topping up your levelled titles.

SKU: .24P1
Value Pack 1

Buy Value Pack 1 (50 titles, levels 1-9)

Original price was: $456.70.Current price is: $199.00.

SKU: .24P1

Value Pack 1 includes one copy of each of the following;

  • The systematic development of phonemic awareness
  • Thematically linked Fiction & Non-Fiction Texts
  • Introduces fluency to enhance comprehension
  • Different text types to develop reading strategies
  • Highly decodable titles from Level 15 for a seamless transition after phonics. • Inclusive Content
  • Connected Texts
  • Recurring Characters
  • Downloadable Teacher Support
  • Highly Decodable titles to complement any existing decodable program
  • Enhances structured literacy with practice and graduation

*titles are indicative only and may be swapped for another title at the same level

Product SKU Product Name Product Image Price with GST Quantity Subtotal
Value Pack 1 (50 titles, levels 1-9)
.24P1 Value Pack 1 (50 titles, levels 1-9) Value Pack 1 $199.00 $0.00
471870 In the Sea ( L1) $8.95 $0.00
824313 Lea is Sick $8.95 $0.00
824308 I Am Better Now $8.95 $0.00
824311 In the Sun $8.95 $0.00
824312 I See the Sun $8.95 $0.00
475586 We Can Play ( L2) $8.95 $0.00
824307 Baby Dinosaur Can Wait $8.95 $0.00
824309 I Can Wait $8.95 $0.00
824310 I Like My School $8.95 $0.00
824306 People at School $8.95 $0.00
81275 Gus is in the Garden (L2-3) $8.95 $0.00
81026 Sleepy Little Caterpillar (L3) $8.95 $0.00
81062 Minibeasts (L3) $8.95 $0.00
81027 Lea is Hungry (L3) $8.95 $0.00
476828 I am Little (L3) $8.95 $0.00
824731 We Can Pick Apples $8.95 $0.00
824728 Look at Us Grow $8.95 $0.00
81028 Baby Dinosaur Can Play (L4) $8.95 $0.00
475611 The Red Cart (L4) $8.95 $0.00
475612 Push and Pull (L4) $8.95 $0.00
824732 Where is Ben Hiding $8.95 $0.00
824727 Animals That Hide $8.95 $0.00
475605 Be Honest (L5) $8.95 $0.00
476831 Dinner for Little Ted (L5) $8.95 $0.00
476832 Going on a Picnic (L5) $8.95 $0.00
475609 Molly Mouse Has a Party (L5) $8.95 $0.00
824729 Gus Is Too Hot $8.95 $0.00
824730 Ready for the Snow $8.95 $0.00
81082 The Big Mud Puddle ( L6) $9.95 $0.00
81294 I Like to Play ( L6) $9.95 $0.00
477595 Story-time Surprise (L6) $9.95 $0.00
81089 The School Garden (L6) $9.95 $0.00
477587 I Want That Hat (L6) $9.95 $0.00
477589 Lea and Dad Make A Garden (L7) $9.95 $0.00
477597 Watch the Bean Grow (L7) $9.95 $0.00
476834 Jump Rope ( L7) $9.95 $0.00
81299 Baby Dinosaur and the Egg ( L8) $9.95 $0.00
81301 Paint a Picture (L8) $9.95 $0.00
477588 Dad's Old Photo Book (L8) $9.95 $0.00
81087 Lea's Birthday (L8) $9.95 $0.00
81602 The Best Banana in the Tree ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
476836 Birds in the Yard ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
478370 Swim, Duck, Swim ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
478368 Lea Bakes an Apple Pie Surprise (L9) $9.95 $0.00
478372 We Can Measure ( L9) $9.95 $0.00
81038 WW My Pets (L1) $7.75 $0.00
81039 WW Bob is in the Garden (L1) $7.75 $0.00
81040 WW I am in the Park (L2) $7.75 $0.00
81041 WW Here I Go! (L2) $7.75 $0.00
81052 WW Where is Molly's Teddy (L9) $7.75 $0.00

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