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Read On: Complete Set (25 titles)
Support struggling readers with real books at the right level.
Motivate struggling readers to read for pleasure with this range of fiction and non-fiction titles from popular authors across a wide variety of topics and genres. Read On is designed to engage students with real books featuring gripping stories, inviting illustrations and fascinating facts.
Buy Read On: Complete Set (25 titles)
Collins Read On: Complete Set (Reading Ages 8.5-10 | Interest ages 11-14)
Engage de-motivated readers:
- Ease struggling readers into mainstream reading
- Offer the right level of challenge with books designed to steadily increase students’ reading stamina, accuracy & fluency
- Build confidence and help students see themselves as readers with books of the right length to be read in three guided reading sessions
- Support and measure reading progress with session plans, reading assessments and detailed guidance on supporting struggling readers.
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